Sunday 11 November 2018

When Cable Took the Day Off

Those who know us well, know the importance of TV in our house. For the uninitiated, TV is on the entire day, if it is off it means either we are not at home or the master of the house is sleeping.

Now, one fine Saturday, cable decided to take the day off. Yes, we still have cable and no, we are not into online channels. Initially, it was fine. We caught up on the movies from Amazon Prime, HotStar etc. Since there was no cable, once the movie ended we didn't switch to some random show on cable but had a discussion over the movie we just watched. A first for us.

Out came the puzzles and board games, and everything we used to enjoy before the advent of TV and cable into our lives. Evening for want of anything to do we decided to take a walk!!!! Dinner was filled with conversation and fun.

The location of the TV and the architecture of the house is such that we can hear the TV from every room of the house. My husband has this habit of putting it on higher volume levels either to drown the noise from outside (that's my conjecture) or he is turning deaf (which he refutes). So when we talk it sounds like a yelling match. With cable being off all this changed. Now we could re-discover our normal voice and talk without losing breath.

Come Sunday, cable was still off. Being Sunday, the college and school near our house were closed, resulting in less traffic noise. We could enjoy the birds chirping and appreciate early morning calmness of nature. But slowly, boredom started creeping in. We had run out of topics and ended up in one too many arguments. The arrival of the maid was greeted with enthusiasm. Amazingly, she finished her work in record time, apparently, TV was a distraction for her work, too. Who knew!

Of course, there are advantages of having the TV on. Now that we were obliged to talk this lead to more fights! Despite my ranting over the high decibels, it does keep your mind away from all the noise pollution.

But no TV allowed for some introspection and revelations like the fact that we were no longer the young couple who could go on for hours talking. We got to do things that we kept postponing forever like cleaning closets, going shopping, cooking lavish menus, talking to friends, etc etc.

And not the least, I got time to write this blog 😄😃

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